Eldgjá & Langisjór
The nearest hut, cottages and campsite from Eldgjá is at Hólaskjól and it is run by Icetrek ehf. ([email protected]). You can stay there both in general hut accommodation and in cottages. The cabins have electricity, WC, and there is a hot shower in the camping area. The hut has electricity, WC, kitchen and shower. The campsite is spacious with a toilet and shower. In the area there is a shop that sells coffee, soda, sweets, dry goods and products with shelf life.
At the southern end of Langisjór, there is a small camping area on a creek. A water toilet is nearby, and there is running water in the area. More information is available from rangers in the area and from Skaftárstofu ([email protected]). There is a fishing house on the eyrin that can be rented out from Icetrek ehf. [email protected]
From Sveinstindur to Hólaskjól there is a popular two- to three-day hiking trail. There are two small huts on the trail that have been renovated by Ferðafélag Útivist. Another is below Sveinstindur by Skaftá - the campsite that used to be next to the cabin is now submerged in glacial clay, and visitors are therefore directed to the national park's campsite at the southern end of Langisjór. The other cabin is at Skælingar where there is also a decent camping area. The travel association Útivist handles the rental of these cabins ([email protected])
More information about accommodation in Vestur-Skaftafellssýsla can be found at www.klaustur.is