Vatnajökull National Park is now under the jurisdiction of the Nature Conservation Agency of Iceland. The agency's website is currently being developed. Read more.

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Work sites

At Vatnajökull National Park, there is a cohesive group of employees with diverse experience, who carry out a variety of tasks related to nature conservation and service to the visitors of the national park.

The National Park normally employs over 30 people, but during the summer the number of employees exceeds 100. The National Park currently operates five visitor centers. They are: Gljúfrastofa in Ásbyrgi, Gígur visitor centre at Mývatn, Snæfellsstofa in Skriðuklaustur, Skaftafellsstofa in Skaftafell and Skaftárstofa in Kirkjubæjarklaustur, which is run in housing and in cooperation with Skaftárhrepp, until a new one is built.

During the summer, the activities of the national park extend widely throughout the park, but in the winter, when the highlands are closed, it is limited to fewer places. The map here shows the national park's ranger stations and offices. Ranger stations are marked with orange boxes. The National Park legal domicile is in Höfn. Various support services are provided from offices in Höfn, Fellabær and Akureyri. The power behind the National Park lies not only in the unique nature, but also in the energetic and happy staff.

Visitor centres
Park ranger stations

Visitor Centres and offices: Phone numbers and e-mails

Visitor Centre / OfficesAddressPhoneE-mail
Gígur Visitor CenterSkútustaðir, 660 Mývatn470 7110[email protected]
Gljúfrastofa Visitor CentreÁsbyrgi, 671 Kópasker470 7100[email protected]
Skaftafellsstofa Visitor CentreSkaftafell, 785 Öræfi470 8300[email protected]
Skaftárstofa Visitor CentreSönghóll, 881 Kirkjubæjarklaustur470 0409[email protected]
Main officeLitlabrú 2, 780 Höfn575 8400[email protected]
Snæfellsstofa Visitor CentreSkriðuklaustur, 701 Egilsstaðir470 0840[email protected]

Park ranger stations: Phone numbers and e-mails

Park ranger stationPhoneE-mail
Askja (Drekagil)842 4357[email protected]
Breiðamerkursandur (Jökulsárlón)842 4355[email protected]
Eldgjá (Hólaskjól)842 4379[email protected]
Herðubreiðarlindir842 4357[email protected]
Hrauneyjar842 4238[email protected]
Hvannalindir842 4368[email protected]
Kverkfjöll842 4369[email protected]
Laki842 4358[email protected]
Nýidalur842 4377[email protected]
Snæfell842 4367[email protected]

Ranger stations

Ranger stations are the work places of rangers and also centers for information and education in the form of walking tours or other media depending on the situation.

Ranger stations are located where they are guaranteed to serve their purpose and reach visitors passing through the area. From there, rangers carry out daily patrols within the National Park and in the protected areas under its care. Ranger stations can be operated in collaboration with several parties, and where possible, attempts are made to use both housing options and other services that are already available.

The role of rangers and other staff may have different priorities between ranger stations. The same applies to the facilities of the employees at each location.