Vatnajökull National Park is now under the jurisdiction of the Nature Conservation Agency of Iceland. The agency's website is currently being developed. Read more.

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Private business policy

Since the National Park was founded in 2007, it has been necessary to respond to the growing number of applications from operators who wish to conduct business with facilities or in specific locations within the National Park. For this reason, conditions regarding private business contracts were included in the National Park Code in 2016 and its private business policy was approved in 2019.

The private business policy established here is indicative of the National Park's views on certain principles concerning cooperation with the economic sector, in addition to which the regulation must contain provisions regarding procedure. There is also an important foundation provided by the Management and Conservation Plan as it is defined therein how services and accessibility shall be arranged in the National Park, including the maximum extent of activities in each location, if necessary.

The private business policy lays down main lines but various aspects need to be worked out in more detail and in consultation with interested parties. In that regard it is necessary to ensure a fair outcome for those who are already providing services within the National Park.

The private business policy of Vatnajökull National Park was approved by the Park on 24 June 2019.

Process for the formation of the private business policy

Private buisness policy of Vatnajökull National Park, 1. version - 24.06.2019