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Sveinstindur - Skælingjar - Eldgjá

The walk from Sveinstindur, following the Skaftá river along Skælingar and Eldgjá, is accepted as one of the most beautiful hiking trails in Iceland. It is 30-40 km long, depending on which route is chosen, and takes two or three days to walk. There are mountain huts at Sveinstindur, in Stóragil at Skælingar, and at Hólaskjól. The first two huts are owned by Útivist ([email protected]) and Hólaskjól is own by Veiðifélag Skaftártungumanna

30-40 km
Estimated time
2-3 days
Trail diffculty factor

Connected hikes



2 km
2-3 h

From the car park west of Sveinstindur is a trail taking you to the top of Sveinstindur (1089 m a.s.l.). The walk is quite steep but the view on a good day is stunning.


Around Sveinstindur

11 km
4 h

From the car park at Langisjór, the route follows the southern edge of the lake for about 4 km to a good vantage-point. At the end of Fagralón the path turns south and take you back on the southern side of Sveinstindur. The path follows some old trails but is not posted.


Eldgjá - Ófærufoss

2,5 km
2,5 h

From the car park at Eldgjá, this is an easy path along the gorge bottom, to the Ófærufoss waterfall, giving a good idea of the size of the gorge.

Hiking map