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Ice Cave Tours and Glacier Hikes - Regarding the decision on withdrawal of advertisement and extension of contracts

26. September 2024

The current agreements for ice cave tours and glacier walks 2023-2024 are valid until September 30th of this year. The National Park has recently reviewed matters related to ice cave tours and glacier walks, focusing on the arrangements and contract terms, as well as the ongoing application process for the new period. This issue has also been regularly reviewed by the South Region Council and the Board of Vatnajökull National Park.

It is the decision of the regional council and the board of Vatnajökull national park to withdraw the advertisement and extend the current contracts until October 30th, and in the meantime all access to icecaves is prohibited. A new advertise will be published no later than the 14th of October and new contracts will take effect on November 1st.

The current ban on tours under ice extended to October 31, 2024:
Due to misunderstandings that have arisen, including following an email sent by the National Park to contract holders last Friday, it is hereby reiterated that all ice formations that are in any way under an ice roof, overhanging/slanted or arched, are extremely dangerous at this time of year. This includes ice walls and moulin, ice channels, ice caves, and ice arches. If ice walls are not overhanging and the ice is solid (e.g., in moulins) and the glacier walk passes through such an area, guides must always conduct an assessment if they have the appropriate education ("Jökla 3" or equivalent) and the experience to assess the relevant conditions to ensure the safety of guests. In addition, Vatnajökull National Park reiterates the conditions set regarding guide qualifications, the number of guests per guide (and their registration), and appropriate equipment, as stated in Article 3 of the agreement on professional activities in Vatnajökull National Park.