Rules for the use of drones for recreational purposes
Vatnajökull National Park has implemented new rules for the use of drones. The main change is that, in general, a special permit is not required for the use of drones for recreational purposes and the general rules of the Icelandic Transport Authority must be followed. However, regional restrictions apply in some regions.

In general, the use of drones for recreational purposes is allowed in Vatnajökull National Park, but regional restrictions apply in some areas. The general rules of the Icelandic Transport Authority must be followed, but the rules of Vatnajökull National Park (general and regional) also apply. Vatnajökull National Park's rules regarding the use of drones are intended to contribute to the national park's goals of wildlife protection, safety and quality visitor experience, and pollution control.
Regional conditions regarding the recreational use of drones apply in some regions; at Skaftafellsjökull, Jökulsárlón and Dettifoss. In some places, the use of drones is not allowed; to ensure a peaceful experience and/or bird protection, and in eight areas verbal permission from rangers must be obtained for the use of drones. All information about the use of drones for recreational purposes can be found here.
Attention is drawn to the fact that these changes only apply to the use of drones for recreational purposes. If a project is in any way commercial (filmmaking, advertising, research, etc.), an appropriate permit must be applied for through Vatnajökull National Park’s website. If the applicant is in doubt as to which category the project falls into, it is best to e-mail an inquiry to [email protected].
Rules for the use of drones for recreational purposes
Deatiled instructions and information can be found on the national park homepage.