Vatnajökull National Park is now under the jurisdiction of the Nature Conservation Agency of Iceland. The agency's website is currently being developed. Read more.

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Here you can find the logo of Vatnajökull National Park in several versions.

Use of the logo

The version of the logo with black lettering and a blue visual logo shall only be used on a white background or with the color Vikur. In other cases, a monochromatic sign shall be used.

In cases where a logo is used on top of a photograph, its white version should be used. Care must be taken that the photograph does not interfere with the legibility of the label and that the surface under the label is sufficiently dark.

The National Park's logo was designed by Edda V. Sigurðardóttir in 2008 and gave the National Park a memorable and strong image from the beginning. The logo was then redrawn by Snorri Eldjárn Snorrason in 2022.