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Jökulsárgljúfur bicycle route

A cycle path runs along the end of Jökulsárgljúfur, from Dettifoss all the way north to Ásbyrgi. The route mostly follows the national park's footpath system, but close to Ásbyrgi is a speparate bicycle route. It is imperative for cyclists to always moderate their speed and give way to hikers when necessary. It is planned to revise and increase the number of cycling routes in Vatnajökull National Park in the coming seasons.

32 km
Estimated time
3-4 klst
150 m

Special attention is drawn to the fact that, according to the management plan of Vatnajökull National Park, only pedestrian traffic is allowed in Hljóðaklettar and Rauðhólar. Furthermore, it is imperative for cyclists to always moderate their speed and give way to pedestrians when necessary. This is especially true when cycling through Hólmatungur. Attention is also drawn to the fact that in sections the routes may be unsuitable for bicycles and therefore it may be necessary to team them through those sections. It is also pointed out that the location of the bike route may change in the near future.

Information about the bicycle route