
About Jökulsárlón and its environs
- Come visit
About Jökulsárlón and its environs
- Come visit
The spectacle of retreating glaciers, lagoons and icebergs draws tourists from far and wide. It should come as no surprise that the glacial lagoons of Jökulsárlón and Fjallsárlón are among the most popular tourist destinations in the country. The coastline from Kvíármýrarkambur to Höfn offers a unique proximity to Vatnajökull. The glacially shaped terrain and the beach create conditions for diverse animal life, research and tourism.

Accessibility, seasons and services
Jökulsárlón and Fellsfjara on Breiðamerkursandur are located on either side of Route 1. Fjallsárlón is slightly further west than Jökulsárlón and the lagoons in this area are one of the main attractions that draw tourists to Iceland. The region is accessible year-round and Route 1 runs through Breiðamerkursandur. There are flush toilets at Jökulsárlón and Fjallsárlón as well as privately operated restaurants and a variety of seasonal tourist services.
The rangers at Breiðamerkursandur can be contacted by phone at 842-4355

Interpretation and information
Breiðamerkursandur park rangers handle maintenance and supervision at Jökulsárlón, Fellsfjara and Fjallsárlón every day of the year and are also responsible for the ice caves in Breiðamerkurjökull. By the parking lot in Eystri Fellsfjara is a photography exhibition, with photographs of Vatnajökull National Park, that is well worth a look. If you park in this lot, you can walk under the bridges over the Jökulsá river and walk the visitor path. The path features interpretive signs for visitors to enjoy.
Vatnajökull National Park's interpretation program is valid during the summer, offering a variety of hikes throughout the national park. You can find out about the summer's educational walks in the southern area of the national park by clicking on the link.
Nature & history
- Learn & discover
Nature & history
- Learn & discover
When the Vatnajökull glacier retreats, it exposes new land and changes the course of the glacial rivers. This creates conditions for wildlife to settle in the expansive sand flats and moraines. In the southern region of Vatnajökull National Park, experts and laypeople alike have a unique opportunity to observe the natural development of vegetation, wildlife settlement and formation of new ecosystems.

The region is home to a diverse variety of ecosystems. Sands, grasslands and wetlands make up the lowlands in front of the glacier. The animal life reflects the vegetation and the area is home to abundant birdlife. Rare bird species nest in the area, and Breiðamerkursandur is an important nesting ground for the great skua, red-throated diver, greylag goose and barnacle goose. Large seal colonies can be found where the rivers flow to the sea.

Melting glaciers
Close proximity to glaciers is nowhere near as abundant and their rapid changes as visible as south of Vatnajökull. A lot of emphasis is placed on education about climate change in the region, and you can also view the topic in more detail here.

Skaftafellsstofa er gestastofa Vatnajökulsþjóðgarðs á suðursvæði. Gestastofan er opin allan ársins hring. Þar veita landverðir og þjónustufulltrúar gestum fræðslu og upplýsingar um náttúrufar Skaftafells, gönguleiðir, gistingu og afþreyingu í næsta nágrenni. Í Skaftafellsstofu er minjagripaverslun með áherslu á fræðslu og handverk úr byggðarlaginu. Fyrir framan Skaftafellsstofu er fræðslutorg þar sem lögð er áhersla á góða upplýsingagjöf um svæðið ásamt því að fræða um hið einstaka samspil mannvistar og náttúru í Skaftafelli og áhrif loftlagsbreytinga á mannlíf og umhverfið.